Financial Literacy


Financial Literacy

Financial literacy is the basic understanding that promotes responsible financial behavior in individuals toward impactful financial decisions. It helps people to improve their decision-making in how to earn, spend, budget, save, and eventually invest money in line with what suits their needs the best. Dutch Bangla Bank Limited conducts All Branches, Sub-Branches, Rocket & AB Offices and Fast Tracks for celebration of Financial Literacy Day on March 06, 2023 (First Monday of March) and instructed to all in house discussion & knowledge sharing with customers. Accordingly, all Branches, Sub-Branches, Rocket & AB Offices and Fast Tracks were celebrated Financial Literacy Day by group discussion with potential customers, one to one knowledge sharing, in house discussion with existing customers, customer awareness creation and knowledge sharing for different product & features of the Bank. Financial Literacy involves having a solid understanding of various financial topics, including budgeting, saving, investing, borrowing, and managing debt. Financial literacy is essential in supporting financial inclusion, especially in the context of the advancement of Digital Financial Services. Bangladesh Bank for the first time has taken initiative for issuing this Financial Literacy Guidelines (FLGs) with a view to rolling out a wide range of financial literacy programmers for mass people. These guidelines are intended to be implemented through banks and FIs.

About Dutch-Bangla Bank

Dutch-Bangla Bank started operation is Bangladesh's first joint venture bank. The bank was an effort by local shareholders spearheaded by M Sahabuddin Ahmed (founder chairman) and the Dutch company FMO.View More

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